Not the movie lol it just kinda hit on my head while thinking what to title this post but that movie is pretty good aahh a little of love story and a little comedy is always good for me. So anyways, we already moved to a new house but not done fixing our stuff, putting everything in places is a pain on the butt .___. buuut to make story short we like our new house tee-hee.
We bought a new 32" LG LCD flat screen T.V. woot! and a new fridge 18 cubic something something much bigger than the last one which was not really ours tee-heee again lol, a new electric stove coz the old one decided he need to die and yes he is a he coz I said so, oh oh and Oh! our internet here is much much faster better way better than the last one we had WOOT! :D
Our dog Ewok (a tzu chi kind) has a twin our next door neighbor owns a tzu chi dog too same size as Ewok but different color he's cute too and it makes me smile every time I see them together lol. So anyways going to post more laterz whenever that is :P
I still need to upload the nail pic agh >.< I forgot.